We offer a 10lb. box pre-order for on farm pick up every August. If you would like to be on the pre-order list email us at: efruitco@gmail.com. The order form will be sent out during the month of June each year.

Our Sriracha can found at the following stores:

Good Tern Coop - Rockland, ME.

Main Street Markets - Rockland, ME.

Maine Street Meats - Rockport, ME.

Fresh off the Farm - Rockport, ME.

Royal River Natural Foods - Freeport, ME

Portland Food Coop - Portland, ME.

Onggi Ferments & Foods - Portland, ME.

Rising Tide Community Market - Damariscotta, ME.

Belfast Coop - Belfast, ME.

The Lost Kitchen - Freedom, ME

Our Blueberry Cider Vinegar can be found at the following stores:

Belfast Coop - Belfast, ME

Good Tern Coop - Rockland, ME

Rising Tide Community Market - Damariscotta, ME.

Royal River Natural Foods - Freeport, ME

Onggi Ferments & Foods - Portland, ME.

The Lost Kitchen - Freedom, ME

Our blueberries can be found at the following stores:

Good Tern Coop - Rockland, ME. - Frozen year round.

Rising Tide Community Market - Damariscotta, ME. Frozen year round.

Bessie’s Farm Goods - Freeport, ME. Frozen year round.

Maine Street Meats - Rockport, ME.

Crystal Spring Farmers Market (Brunswick) - Fresh Blueberries - mid July through mid August

Rockland Farmers Market (Rockland) - Fresh Blueberries - mid July through mid August